Ufile 07-09
Tax Season is upon us. For the past 7 years I've been doing my own taxes. I've got the courage to do them myself because of Ufile online. There is no commitment and you don't have to pay if you make under a certain amount and you don't have to pay till you submit your claim. Since there is no commitment and not really going to the government I tried doing my own taxes to realizing how easy it is.
I've filled out the step by step interview and whenever I didn't understand a term, I would hit the question mark which gave a description. Then it asked you for all the tax forms that was mailed to you. Then all you have to do is match the boxes on these documents to the numbers on the screen. I would say if you don't own your own business, or have stocks as investments you should give it a try. It hands lots of things that majority of things people can claim and they add new things such as the Home renovation tax for this year.
If your a student you can easily fill out your tuition, bursaries. If you pay rent you will need to hunt for the category or for your public transit passes, but its right in there. There is always a help button. RRSPs, no worries, its there as well.
You can play around with numbers in there to see what if I bought more RRSPs how much more can I collect. Then at the end of it all, it will generate a netfile for you to file online, and a pdf file for a hard copy. If you are comfortable with reading instructions, then I feel confident people would be able to use this software. I haven't used any of the other software but I am sure they are similar and does the same thing. I bought this software from futureshop for the past 3 years for $20 and can do 8 returns, while the online one I remember back in the day was around $15.
Doing taxes have taught me how I can save on my taxes and how my union dues, RRSPs and tuition can effect how much of a refund I will get. I guess its what they call minimize your tax dollar. Although I'm no expert, I can say I feel comfortable doing my own taxes since it isn't so complex I need to pay someone to do my taxes. I'm sure I remember they teach you how to do your taxes when your in school, but too bad I never took business when I was in high school.
One last thing I would like to point out. Health Care isn't free for anyone that makes $20 000 or more, and then I look at all these people collecting cash and not reporting their true earnings, and how other people are helping others while they are indirectly hurting others. When your having a child, your maternity leave is paid by your EI.
That's what I use to do mine and my families taxes! XD Ufile's soo easy to use and they give you tips on how to maximize your taxes which I like :P