Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009 and Happy New Years

Good Day to all.

I would like to make my last entry on this blog for 2009. First I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hopefully had a wonderful holiday so far. For those who read my blog I would like to thank you for taking the time to check it out. I will continue to blog in 2010 and hopefully with more wonderful topics.

Everyone seems to be doing a recap of what has happened during the past year and I would like to reflect on things that meant something to me in 2009.

1. My Lovely Girlfriend. It has been another wonderful year with her. Been through lots this year and more great things to come in the future. She has been very supporting and taking care of me and my family. There is never enough thank yous that goes out to her. As always, she has made me a better person in ways I wouldn't of figured out on my own. So I guess every year she will be number on this list.

2. Photography my new hobby. It has been wonderful experience with the all the images I've captured and the feedbacks I've been getting. Still a work in progress and put a dent in my pocket, but it is a great hobby to have (much better than something like smoking). More pictures will come in 2010, and hope I will get better

3. My 2 New York trips were wonderful, and lots to do there, right now the best city on my list but still haven't visited any other places. Still have to visit central park next time. Great time, great food and memories the last a life time.

4. The ups and down of life is something we deal with everyday. We learn from our mistakes and be better people. Also, enjoy all the happy moments and achievements we had this year and repeat these great events.

5. Friends. What can life be without great friends around you. Thank you all for making me part of your life. Lots of great moments and may more good times roll. I don't think I can sit here and name every moment, but you all know what I'm talking about.

6. Work. How we all have to do it. It would be a lie if I didn't include it as part of my list. I spend majority of my time in a year at work, and spending 8 hrs a day there and the only other thing I spend as much time or equally to is my bed. Been a challenging year, but things have improved and glad I was able to make the IT side of things run smooth in my opinion. Sad to see my friend leave but at the same time really happy she has found a wonderful new life ahead of her.

Again, I want to thank everyone and wish them a great 2010. Looking forward to hearing from you all in the new year.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Facebook usage

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites people visit. You can easily follow someone's life if they are actively using what facebook was meant for or evolved to be. Someone said to me that they don't use facebook, then I thought deeply of a few types of users.

1. The ones that have a account and tried it out and not really actively involved with their online lives. Well, I believe these type of users don't have much they want to express themselves, or have any interest in other peoples lives. Would I say they lack social skill? yes perhaps, but I would say, these people don't really care about people online and if they really wanted to keep in touch or know about someone or see some pictures of their family and friends, they would just pick up the phone, or go over to look at their photo album in person. I would say that is perfectly acceptable, except there are so much more out there, such as people posting video clips of themselves, or photos are trips/events and even notes entry about their ideas such as my blog right now.

2. The second group I would like to classify are the people who have an account, but like to follow their friends online but don't really have much they want to share. I think thats a great idea to see what is happening, and if you do meet them in person, there are so many more minor details to talk about, or something as an ice breaker. I think thats the next level up from the first example I used. I believe it helps more to help share your thoughts and whats on your mind. Hence the popularity of twitter. Everyone has an opinion, its just if they want to share it. Not sure if you will like the response or not, but everyone has the right to express their opinion in this country.

3. I think I should of posted this category first. It is the people who don't use facebook at all. I really feel these people just don't really care and do not want to share with anyone or be found by other people out there. I don't have anything against that. They can be anti social, or just have the wrong impression on the potential that it really brings and how it connects people. Thats why I strongly believe these people just don't want to be found, and just live their own life and find things out the old fashioned way or either a sit down or phone call. Not that facebook replaces these 2 ways people interact with each other, but its just another vehicle of socializing and networking in society today.

4. I think everyone belongs falls under regular users. You post items, play the games, share your status. It just makes life so much more simple when you don't have to tell everyone you know you have a midterm and can't go out, or how your engaged to that special someone. It can show your character and what interest you have. For me, I can also see it as an advertising tool, or to really just something to express yourself. Ahhh. Its like a tattoo, and you can express your way with media.

This thought has been on my mind for days, and it just really bothers me while people use technology, they just fail to utilize this, and while they have many questions of events and status while everything is in front of them. But facebook would only work, if people actually used it. And from the popularity of the site, it shows that millions of people do like to interact and express themselves. I guess the others are just not the avg joes, and are different.

Merry Christmas