Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Technology in everyday life

Yesterday was my birthday. I thank everyone who was either remember sometime either early, late, or the day of, it is good of everyone to remember. I had a wonderful weekend and realized how lucky I am to have such great people to celebrate my birthday over the whole weekend. There was never a dull moment and I can actually say I had a good and exciting weekend. I received a new keyboard as a gift and getting use to typing on it as we speak.

So how did people remember my birthday? I sometimes don't remember everyone birthday, and I don't really write anything down. Alot of people sent me birthday wishes over facebook, and that makes me wonder without it, they wouldn't of actually known it was my birthday. One time I actually put the wrong birthday on my facebook on purpose to see how many people actually knew that it was a fake, it was to show how well someone knew me I guess. But then now I look at how important a few things in our lives are very important. Facebook has become so useful, like keeping track of people's birthdays, letting people communicate with each other, and finding a medium where people can arrange for special events. Another thing that comes to mind are smartphones, such as the blackberry and texting. These two things might extend outside of personal use, but I think they make you more socialable and connect you with the rest of your friends which you might not even talk to all the time. This also brings a good opportunity for someone to catch up with your life without being there, that sounds like a good and a bad thing. Good in a sense that although you and your friend might be on two different continent, but you both can communicate and know of each others events, and social life. On the down side, it is like being lazy, and you just know of whats happening in your friends life but not really do anything about it.

I think people can't live without these things. I am one of those people who cannot remember everyone birthday except certain people. Like for example I cannot remember when mothers day, fathers day, my moms and dad's birthday. Sorry mom and dad. But for the people who really doesn't really care and just there to send a happy birthday, do those people really care? or is it just so easy to send a simple message, so its like thoughtless? I've always wondered. I on occassion really don't like doing small talk and it just seems something like that, but I mean that can spring into something more interesting.

In another case, alot of people get addicted to technology that they use everyday life. I think inventions are great and although some inventions is made for the lazy person, but it makes things more efficient, like the electric tooth brush, I think its actually better to have the head of the brush rotate more freqently than you manually brushing your teeth. Now how people can search through articlese on an online catlog and make research much better.

I think it is important to at least try to use new technology. You don't have to like everything, but if the majority of people out there is using something, there must be something good about it, but thats for you to decide. Can't live under a rock all your life.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daily Routines

I see, read things that always seem to repeat itself. Like how nature is, the rain falls, then flows to the river, and the sun turns that into the clouds and a cycle repeat itself. Are we like the rain, or that particle of water that just keeps on going and going in circles? I think the only cycle we have thats been predetermine is that we are born and we die.

Most days I feel like routines are part of our everyday lives. If you have the luxury to be less repetitive then you are different that most people I feel. A life of your avg joe office worker, wake up, goto work, finish work, go home, rest, repeat. Maybe even going to your weekly league. Seems pretty boring. It seems like we can't escape routines. But I would like to look forward to the things that are different everyday, maybe thats why vacations are so great, doing things that you usually don't do, seeing things you don't normally see. Or finishing work going home to your family greeting you where you never know whats really going to happen. In the end if you are happy, you really don't care if its repetative, as long as you enjoy doing what you are doing.

I guess not all routines are boring and bad. Its what you make of it. I think you will truely appreciate a holiday when you are sick of tired of waking up everyday going to work and having some fun.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bad Excuses

In my days around, I've been on the receiving end of many excuses, I'm sure everyone has, and I'm also sure everyone has used excuses for some type of situation. Sometimes aren't you just sick and tired of hearing excuses. Might be someone prolonging some tasks perhaps quit smoking, or you might get an excuse that just might seem far fetched. With people giving you an answer such as maybe which is not definite will also lead to excuses, in my case, when I hear a not so definite answer, my first instinct is to just consider it a NO. There is always an exception to this, such as how well you know someone might determine what this indefinite answer might be, or maybe there is some type of legitimate reason, so I guess its not so good jumping to conclusion, but in my case, certain people I know, when they give me answers such as, I'll get back to you, or call me back the day before, that probability of the answer being No is actually quite high, or even worst off, No answer at all and they just ignore you.

Does it ever bother you if people constantly giving you a indefinite answer? I personally just stop asking people questions if that is the case, because I would 99% know the answer already. Even if someone stops you on the street and asks you for a donation you don't have to make up excuses to not wanting to donate, I am sure they know most people won't stop to talk to them. If a person doesn't really matter, just as a stranger, does it matter we use an excuse? I would just tell them as it is, since they don't know me, and I will never see them again. If your friends constantly does this excuse giving, it makes you wonder how creditable they are, and they just become liars, and it might become chronic. Sometimes I think people don't give you a definite on like an outing is, they are waiting for better plans to come, if your not as interesting, then bye bye to you. I mean as an adult I believe we are old enough to listen to the truth, and mature enough to hear the real reasons. Sometimes it is just easier with just a yes or no, instead of, maybe, we'll see.

I guess the one of the worst experience perhaps to have is people giving you lame excuses. I believe some people are just too lazy to do their job and have to make up something to get you to help them, and maybe perhaps take over the duties. I hear this the most is, people just pretending to be sick, I guess that is very common, even little kids knows how to do that.

Please next time if you ever decide to give an excuse, be more considerate to the person you know. It is hard to plan an event if you don't give them a yes or no answer. Oh wait, I guess for more important events, there is a RSVP deadline.

I guess lying is a totally different subject and for a second I was going to write something about that, but I guess giving excuses can lead to lying which is the only connection I made with the two in this post.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Relations

This issue came across very awkwardly and then something new has entered my head, and given me a new perspective once again. I am no therapist or expert in this subject area, but just only from my observation and experiences has led me to these thoughts.

What would you consider a healthy family relationship? I believe as people grow older they mature and see things in a new way. Maybe better, maybe worst. Does money ever play an effect of how family ties are? Are there things that has happened in the past that you just can't let go and forever change the way you look or interact with your family?

It has always been known that the Canadian culture has encouraged that their kids move out at a certain age. I don't know many people that has done that but even the only person that I can think of, the family ties are very strong, and its more of a tradition and parents wanting their kids to grow up and mature into an adult. Just recently in an article, this trend might not be so popular because of the recession. I guess they can write about anything during recession and how it effects life. I actually don't know this person well, so I cannot really gain anything more out of this.

You had bad memories as a child that you can't for go? I mean it can get really bad and ruin the rest of your life. Like in the Toronto star, they finally sentence the Austria man, whom locked up his daughter for 25 yrs in the basement and admitted to incest. I don't know how that woman can be normal ever again, and what these people went through. Hopefully they are strong enough just to try to look forward to all the good things in life. Something like that I don't think is easily forgiven. Does these bad things happen again and again, I can agree that the family relationship has been torn and very hard to fix, and hatred will come. I don't blame people for not liking their own family or certain members.

Some people do not have an easy life, where the parents spend most of the time working and have little time to spend with their families. It seems that it is very common, and stories you hear on the newspaper and people who made it from the poor tell their stories. All this because of money, once they do obtain financial stability they help out their family. Supporting the family financially is very honorable thing, but does that make you closer to your family? Some people don't have that luxury to financially help their families and I don't think that makes them any less than anyone that does.

I don't know what the perfect family relationship is. Everyone is different, every family has different standards. Maybe they are just as happy for their kids to financially support them and not really spend much time with them since they know they are hard at work. Or its that time of day, where the only time people see each other and converse with each other around the dinner table. I believe that its not the quantity but its the quality of the time you spend with your family. If its fun and enjoyable then time isn't really an issue and time will just pass.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why sports is appealing to me

I really like playing sports especially basketball and tennis. Although I get injured from playing basketball I continue to play. What makes it worst when your injured and can't play, its so hard to stay away from the game. Oh by the way, I am not injured right now. I do have slight injury but nothing serious.

As everyone reads in the news or hear that exercise is good for you, that is probably one of the greatest reason to play sports or do something active, but that is not the main reason why I love playing. I just find it very fun. It feels good to do something competitively. Everytime you play a game of anything, there is usually a winner and a loser, who really likes to lose? I sure don't, but sometimes you just can't help to lose. But when you win, the feeling is great, and makes you want to win and shows all the hard work you put in, or you have some type of talent. If you lose, and try to see what you done wrong or ways to improve, its also a good way to evaluate yourself. Sometimes you need some type of stretegy to win, and see your opponents stregth and weakness, although sports is physical there is a mental aspect of the game. And how you react under pressure.

In team sports you have to learn to play with others and work as a team. In a game of soccer and basketball people have their roles and have to learn how to cooperate with each other and use everyone strength to achieve a victory. In an NBA commerical (darn I can't find it on youtube) but their message that its more than a game. Its something you can learn by having fun, in a game.

Sometimes you just can't win based on phyical ability when all the other players are on the same level you are. So thats when you have to use your head. I'm sure that a younger kid might not be able to think of things like that and thats when a coach is important, and develop an analyitical aspect to sports, to break down peoples weakness or to run a set play and learn how to excute plays.

Learning the basics and fundamentals is very important. You should learn how to do things the correct way. Just like many things in life is important.

I don't know the statistic about kids playing sports staying away from drugs and trouble, but I'm not going to get into that.

Well I'm sure there are many more reasons why sports is a good thing other than getting good exercise. Sometimes I feel parents put lots of pressure on their kids to do well in sports and takes the fun out of it. But its a good set of things you can gain from doing sports. Thats why I would promote sports and I personally do it myself. Oh yes, dedication & determination is also important that I didn't want to leave out, how can I forget? Its like all these people going to the gym working out have goals they want to accomplish either building muscles, looking great, or losing weights, those are all goals that they are determined to accomplish and requires lots of dedication. I don't see myself working out since I can't be self modivated that easily. Playing sports with friends is also good time to hang out with your friends or you can make friends from playing sports. So you can network and make new friends. Oh I really have to stop, its like a non stop subject I can go on forever and ever.


Welcome to my new Blog

Hello all,

I decided to start a blog. It has been a popular item but now I have a reason to start a blog. This will be my outlet to some of my random thoughts and what better way to do that then a blog. Facebook I don't think its a good tool, the note function is what I am referring to.

So why the name 2nd starbucks cup? Well, not that I really love drinking coffee like an addiction, I do like going to second cup and starbucks. If I had a choice I goto a coffee place than a Bubble Tea place. If I ever had to run servers, I name it like starbucks or something and each domain or something would be like a type of drink or name of a coffee. For your information, my choice of drinks from Second Cup is Caramel Corretto, and Starbucks is Cafe Mocha. I actually don't actually remember going to either one of these establishment actually.

I think I can also blog on my blackberry while I'm on the subway. I guess I can do that if I don't fall asleep like I usually do. I think Coffee shops is a good place to meet up with people and catch up and usually they don't kick you out or I feel obligated to leave unless they are closing. I'm going to make a conscious effort to update this blog.