Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daily Routines

I see, read things that always seem to repeat itself. Like how nature is, the rain falls, then flows to the river, and the sun turns that into the clouds and a cycle repeat itself. Are we like the rain, or that particle of water that just keeps on going and going in circles? I think the only cycle we have thats been predetermine is that we are born and we die.

Most days I feel like routines are part of our everyday lives. If you have the luxury to be less repetitive then you are different that most people I feel. A life of your avg joe office worker, wake up, goto work, finish work, go home, rest, repeat. Maybe even going to your weekly league. Seems pretty boring. It seems like we can't escape routines. But I would like to look forward to the things that are different everyday, maybe thats why vacations are so great, doing things that you usually don't do, seeing things you don't normally see. Or finishing work going home to your family greeting you where you never know whats really going to happen. In the end if you are happy, you really don't care if its repetative, as long as you enjoy doing what you are doing.

I guess not all routines are boring and bad. Its what you make of it. I think you will truely appreciate a holiday when you are sick of tired of waking up everyday going to work and having some fun.


1 comment:

  1. True! i wouldnt mind routine if it involved waking up later, playing outside and going out and having fun and eating ice cream and painting.... XD hehehe
