Breakfast Food
The world is becoming very health conscious, there are many media outlets to educational institutes that promotes eating right, exercising and getting rest to help with our well being. There are many articles, ad, and reports that promotes eating a healthy breakfast; how it can help our body and all the benefits it brings. I've tried looking up articles that discusses how breakfast is really not that important, and I didn't get any results within the first 5 mins of searching. All I found is how it is the most important meal of the day.
I do not eat breakfast daily. I treasure my sleep more than eating, so I don't eat breakfast. On weekends I wake up so late, its relatively lunch time, so I skip breakfast or I call it lunch. The only time I eat breakfast is when I'm actually hungry, or I know I will be using up lots of energy such as going out all day walking and knowing lunch is far away. Another reason I eat breakfast is when I play sports, which I know will require lots of energy. I am so use to this, and its been over 15 years I don't eat breakfast. I know when my body feels hunger.
So I've read that not all food is good for breakfast too, but some food is better than no food. It helps energize you since you have been fasting for the past 6-7 hrs of sleep. So when I sleep, I don't really use much energy, so I guess its not that draining on me, but I do not have a very physical intensive job where I need an abundant of energy to complete my work. Sitting in front of computers majority of the time doesn't require much energy as to playing basketball for an hour. I can operate first thing in the morning without caffeine and food. Maybe its the routine and habbit I've grown to. I would like to compare not eating breakfast to a vegetarian. If all they eat is vegetables for 15 years, and then they start eating meat. Their bodies isn't use to it, and might not like it and come out, or might even get sick. I believe it is the same. Its like us about to get sick, we know what our body is like, and if we want to get better, we need to take care of ourselves, just like when we wake up. If we feel hungry then we should have breakfast.
I would like to know if there are any people out there like me that doesn't eat breakfast, or preach that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If only I can put a poll.
There is a facebook group called 'I hate eating breakfast' (really!) which you might want to join ;o)