Friday, April 3, 2009

Canadian Identity

In many other countries there is mainly one dominant culture group. In russian over 90% of the people there are russian and same in majority of the countries. This leads to what is it to be canadian? USA has sorta the same problem, but most people consider themselves american instead of their own heritage. This issue in exisits more in the majority cities such as Toronto and Vancouver where it is like a melting pot of cultures and ethnic groups. From school, I learnt that canada cannot sustain the birth rate and rely heavily on immigrants. This issue is also the strength and weakness of canada. If someone asks me what is canadian, I really can only say hockey is one of the things that everyone in canada can say is truly canadian. Is there canadian food? nothing really quick comes to mind.

It is great that Toronto especially has such a big diversity. So If I was to show someone Toronto, I would show them greek town, little italy, chinatown, little india, but are canadian restaurants just like tim hortons, and fast food places which exists all over Canada and the US? I think if I asked anyone about what nationality they are they would say where they came from originally. Also, many people always refer to the phrase back home, so canada isn't really their home in a way. Another example of diversity is just driving north of toronto, many stores have their business signs in a different language.

I don't think this trend will change and that is the backbone of canadian culture. Although I don't see this type of diversity outside the major cities of canada.



  1. In case you're curious what sorts of cuisine are Canadian, try Googling it.

    It won't provide you with much, but it usually revolves around ideas of English/European influence on dishes around fish, meat and potatoes.

    It is "North American" fare, with a lot less grease and Southern influence.

    I've seen dishes that range from fish to poultry, light on spices and seasonings, sometimes incorporating maple and other indigenous ingredients that usually stay above the 49th parallel.

  2. Toronto is so great because of the mix of everything we have. Good question on what is Canadian food though... I would say maybe pancakes with maple syrup? Donuts? Fish? I don't really know. My favourite food in Canada is food that comes from a bunch of different countries anyway!

  3. When you ask me to define what items are considered "Canadian" -- what immediately comes to my mind: maple syrup, maple trees/maple leaf; hockey, cold, snow, beavers, moose, tim hortons, roots. (though timmie's & roots are no longer canadian own now right? not sure)
    Canadian cuisine = POUTINE!!! (my favourite!); pork; peameal bacon?
