Monday, July 13, 2009


I guess I haven't blogged in a while. I was always thinking of a good topic, and I been caught up with photography, reading up and doing things with pictures. Well I just read the star this morning and it has to do with the CRCT. Most of the things they are doing I don't really agree with because it seems like they are holding back alot of things trying to protect what is so called canadian. But now they seem like they are just about making money and doing big monopolies favors.

So what do I have against the CRCT? well just a few things.

1. They are trying to control the internet and allowing internet service providers to shape traffic. So basically, your paying for a 5MB or whatever speed connection to do whatever you want with it. Then they put certain restriction so you cannot download the speed you pay for. Although this doesn't effect me, but it could, I don't find it fair at all. Its just like buying a very fast car, and they only allow you to go 40 km on it.

2. TV options in canada is pretty sad. With all the extra fees, and all the monopolies. and you can't really pick your package. and basic tv package is basically free with an antenna.

3. They are now not forcing the tv stations in cities less than 300 000 people to give free over the air signals. Although its less than 10% of the population that uses these things but that is a big number of people. People just don't know they can get stuff for free. The big companies have so much control and power.

I really wonder what they are going to do next? They only seem to be working for the big companies, and holding back innovation. and its all about the money. Sure, even the government needs to make money, but its like canada is so behind in so many things that has to do with technology. The only canadian tech thing I can think of that is big is blackberry. I hope there is going to just have more choices in providers and technology available to us. God Bless the CRCT

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